Aug 13, 2015

Kitchen Bless

How is your Thursday going so far? here is a beautiful before and after from Smitten Studio of an absolutely TO DIE FOR kitchen

The colour mix of gold, and this soft pale greyish green and white is a little retro but the clean straight lines give it a very modern look

I love that the top cabinets were kept white which makes the bottom ones only look like they are protruding, this along with the white marble seemless backsplash makes the kitchen look bigger

The copper jars and faucet are absolutely beautiful especially with the white marble counter top that wraps up the walls for a marble backsplash

I have the same cabinet pulls from Lewis Dolin fixed in my bedroom and study closets which you will soon hopefully be able to see in my personal home tour. Also, coming soon is a big painting that I was working on for our living room all finished and fixed in place. For now go home, enjoy it, and have a very happy weekend!
to see more photos of this kitchen renovation check out Smitten Studio

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