Jul 27, 2015

Farida's Nursery Tour

Today I finally bring you a full tour in Farida's nursery. Just a back story for whoever wasn't following me long before Farida is my 1st born child and my sweet little baby girl, not so much a baby now that she is 1 year old and acts like a toddler, there is really a great difference!

Enough of the sweet baby talk, pun intended, I will let you enjoy the photos of the tour, you can always post any questions you have.

We were on a budget when we started designing Farida's nursery and we figured we wanted a nice nursery that we can all enjoy and not just Farida, I know that to make a big impact you don't need expensive furniture, you need a wow factor.
I first saw those wall decals in a nursery tour and I fell in love and just had to get them so I looked them up and they are sold by http://www.wallsbymur.com/ and they deliver to Doha- yeeaay- they have the decals in different shapes and colours and sizes so that wall was my Wow factor right there, the rest of the walls are painted a very light grey.

I knew I didn't want to do pinks but I still wanted something glamorous and girly so, whites, golds, peaches, and mint it was.
The walnut veneered false parquet was already installed in the rest of the apartment and when we found out we were expecting we decided to put the same parquet in there for continuity. It's scrubbable and cleans very easy. We had a soft sheep hide to soften up the room under the poof but no rug as of yet

The chair is called the SANDBY chair and it's from Ikea, It wasn't expensive and I thought I could always repurpose it.

The bookcase doubles as storage for toys at the bottom. It's also from IKEA and is called the HENSVIK Cabinet with shelf unit 
The cushions were bought from an Etsy shop which unfortunately isn't there anymore but you can always find similar ones on www.etsy.com

The light grey boxes and the blanket on the chair are from Zara Home

The sheep hide is from IKEA as well.
Gold metallic poof is from morocco and it was ordered from Etsy as well from this shophttps://www.etsy.com/shop/MaisonMarrakech

Goats dolls were purchased from IKEA, do you see a pattern here? we went with sheep, lambs, and goats as decorative accepts in the nursery.

This frame is from Mamas and Papas and was a gift to us from my cousin, It comes with plaster that you can use to do an imprint of your child's hand or foot, unfortunately every time we tried the plaster crumbled so I ended up using the imprint that Farida's daycare did of her hand, that still counts as me doing it right?

The books were almost all ordered from Amazon, not because they are not available here but because I was pregnant and working full time and didn't want to look around and I had already looked up the books I wanted to buy and found lists of must have baby books so it was easier to order them online.

the photos are of us with Farida on her Soboo' (an Egyptian celebration of the newborn baby once they are 1 week old- my baby is 1/2 Egyptian)

The little crown was made by me for her 1st tooth celebration party (a Palestinian tradition were the first tooth of the baby is celebrated, that's her other half!)

The owl candle and polar bear bank are both shopping finds by my husband in Bristol

the two ring jewelled boxes are our engagement party give/aways. The colours look great in her room and I figured she will end up using them one day!

A nice find by my parents in Turkey on one of their trips

Farida's bed was the most expensive item in the room, It was from Mamas and Papas and it has 3 level steps from birth to 3/4 years old, I figured I'd get a bed that would grow with her instead of getting a small bed at first (we co-slept for the first month only at my parents' house so they had a small cot)

The fitted bed sheets are from Etsy but the shop has closed.
The sleep sheep was a God Send! it serves as a white noise machine which worked wonders with Farida.

The cloud pillow was hand made and ordered from Kokoko shop on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/shop/kokokoshop

The baby mobile was hand made as well and ordered from Hingmade.by.hand

Blanket and Bunny from Mamas & Papas Middle East

The adjacent wall to the decal mural wall was kept simple. The frames are from IKEA, two of the frames have the baby nursery decor posters which I've designed and are available for sale on my Etsy shopNada's Printables 

The other two frames have a photo of Farida on her first tooth celebration party and a hand me down hand cross stitched image of a girl with lambs by my great aunt Mahdieh Bitar

The other side of the room had a full changing station as I'd like to call it.

The HENSVIK armoire from IKEA which holds Farida's dresses, shoes, and some other items that I want to keep out of sight. 

The BIRKELAND chest of drawers from IKEA as well has a changing mat and basket that collects wipes, creams, oil, and powder on top and a box shelf hung above that helps tremendously with changing because everything is at finger tips and I don't need to turn to leave Farida's side.

The box shelf isn't available at IKEA anymore and it wasn't actually white it was brown we just had our friend spray paint it to match the room's furniture

The handles on the chest of drawer were changed, those mint green handles are not the original handles I ordered them online on Etsy as well fromhttps://www.etsy.com/shop/ShopRethink

The two white big baskets are from Zara Home, the one on the right is a hamper where I throw dirty clothes while changing and the one on the left is lined with nylon bags and I use it as a trash basket.

The mirror is again a great find by my husband in Bristol

The custom cross stitched framed embroidery of Farida's name was a gift from my great aunt Mahdieh Bitar 

The changing mat was from mothercare MENA and I had 4 differently patterned covers custom made on Etsy by the same person who did her fitted sheets

The wall clock in the shape of a lamb was ordered via Etsy as well by https://www.etsy.com/shop/decoylab

This is all I have on Farida's Nursery. I hope you've enjoyed the tour, I will hopefully be sharing a home tour with you soon showing you my flat.

What did you like most about the nursery? Do you have any questions? Need help designing your own child's nursery? let me know!


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