Mar 20, 2014

Tile Away

One of the things you can play around with in your home when re-furbishing or building/buying a new home is tile. It comes in all sorts of colors and shapes and can really be used anywhere, not just in bathrooms and kitchens. So the next time you take on a tiling project, try something different.

multi color it

Change the shape, aren't you tired already of the square 40cmX40cm tiles? pictured are the Penny Mosaic Tiles

Get a fancy look with a sophisticated tile shape that adds a level of intricate detailing. Always contrast the grout color to the tile color for a powerful impact

Get a funky shape and a monochromatic color scheme and do an entire wall for an overall powerful effect like these fish scale tiles

Add a sense of depth to your walls/floors by a 3d illusion created by segmented 3d shapes. Don't you love the monochromatic scheme with the pop of yellow?

 so have you come across some really cool installation, or done some yourself? share it with us

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