Mar 24, 2014

Baby Girl Nursery, a project by me

This is an ongoing project that I posted a teaser about earlier. It's my baby's nursery. My husband and I are currently expecting our first child- due early July- and we couldn't be happier. As you can tell from the title we found out that we are having a girl! and being the "design project manager" that I am I started designing the nursery right away. Take a look at the concept, colors, inspirations that influence my design and check out the album every now and then for pictures of the nursery before, during, and after the design works take place.

I knew I wanted my baby's nursery to be a place my husband and I would love and enjoy being in as much as our baby would once she got slightly older. I however wasn't keen on frills and bespoke royal baby sort of nurseries. I wanted something that was pretty and practical that had clean modern lines and that would grow with my baby.

I consider myself to be a girly girl but there is one thing that I hate so much that is associated with girls which is the color Baby Pink. I honestly absolutely hate those two baby associated shades; baby pink and baby blue. I however love other blues and pinks left within the spectrum. I wanted a peachy sort of pink, never mind the tone in this board it's a tad too peachy here.

I wanted to complement the peachy pink with a mint green and metallic gold for accents. All furniture was going to be white- personal preference- and I knew light grey was going to be used around the room as a neutral backdrop color.

I took my personal preferences, budget, size limitations, and needs to the Doha market and online market for that matter and came up with a mood board for my baby's nursery of things I'd like to use, or find things that are similar to. Beside having a color theme for the nursery my husband and I wanted to use the motif of a lamb in the nursery but not too much that it gets redundant, we hate things too matchy matchy

Then came time to create the layout and make sure everything would work in the room.

These are a few teaser partial elevations to give you an idea of what will be going on in the nursery

Comes the time for photos of the actual space now. This is the nursery, 1 of the 3 bedrooms in our apartment. The photo is taken at the time that we first went to check the apartment out for rental. You guessed right, this is the door that leads to the teeny balcony which I've posted about before.

As you can see the room is currently being used as a drying/ironing room and a place to store "stuff" we are planning on moving the laundry related activities to the 3rd bedroom, remains a store room today, once the baby comes and to get all of the extra stuff that we don't need sorted out before the baby comes!

and Here are other photos showing all the other sides in the nursery.

Stay tuned for more posts to follow on the progress in the nursery

So what do you think? have you done a nursery in your room before, would you like to share it with us? PM me!

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