Apr 4, 2013

Kids Music & Art Class at VCUQatar

Hello Everyone,

I was going to post this last night but I got very occupied that I couldn't.

There goes my second "Academic" post.

I'm currently assisting a teacher in facilitating and presenting an art exploration community class for kids aged 10-14 at VCUQatar- Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar- on Saturdays.

The class, taught by Verity Watkins, focuses on art exploration; they were introduced to the works of the artist Wassily Kandinsky and did their own interpretations of his work and learn about developing a pattern via reflection and rotation.

The students were encouraged to represent their own feelings when listening to instrumental music in the form of 2d art using mixed media, and then transform their own 2d patterns into 3d molds and print them onto clay tiles which they are currently decorating with ink, acrylic paint, and tissue paper!

With two classes left I've finally come around to post the pictures and videos from the class, one of the videos shows me doing a demonstration on how to add interest by color to the patterns the students created.


For those of you interested in joining or having your children join explorative art classes and many other specific forms of art classes you must check VCUQatar's webpage and check out the late spring community classes that they are offering on this link. I will most probably be assisting in an art class for children aged 8-10 this late spring.

Check the blog later on for some more pictures of this Kids Music & Art Class.


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