Mar 25, 2013

I've been obsessing over Mid-Century modern furniture lately that I've actually dreamt last night that I found 2 authentic mid-century armchairs, similar to the one pictured below,

 but in orangey upholstered cushions, on the side of the road in the ya...rd of an old house when someone was moving houses and it seemed like this person was willing to sell them, I stopped by to ask how much they cost and was thinking of salvaging the brilliant pieces, and yes then I woke up obviously. I personally don’t think that any of the world's mid century European and American design influence has reached Doha at the time, I know it did reach Kuwait for sure just not quite sure about the rest of the region. If it did, then I highly suspect anyone still have their authentic mid-century pieces here in Doha. If you know of any let me know please!
Here's Wikipedia's explanation of the term Mid-Century Modern: Mid-Century modern is an architectural, interior, product and graphic design that generally describes mid-20th century developments in modern design, architecture, and urban development from roughly 1933 to 1965. The term, employed as a style descriptor as early as the mid-1950s, was reaffirmed in 1983 by Cara Greenberg in the title of her book, Mid-Century Modern: Furniture of the 1950s (Random House), celebrating the style which is now recognized by scholars and museums worldwide as a significant design movement
So who else is a sucker for Mid-Century Modern furniture?

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